Established as ECHO in 1978, the Victorian Journal of Home Economics is firmly established as one of the leading journals on Home Economics.
Institutions and individuals in many countries can access the Journal, providing an international forum for academic research papers and curriculum-based practice or general interest articles.
The Journal aims to provide current research and best practice information on the multifaceted area that is Home Economics. We welcome contributions from members and non-members including researchers from a variety of disciplinary and theoretical perspectives.
The scope of topic areas include globalisation, food security, local food systems, sustainability, technology, ethical consumption, quality of life, food and nutrition, textiles and clothing, shelter, health and wellbeing for individuals, families and within communities.
Curriculum areas include Home Economics, Food Studies, Health and Human Development, Product Design and Technology and Hospitality.
The Journal is published twice each year. The most recent journals can be accessed below.
In this issue:
- Introducing the new VCE Food Studies
- Developing your own assessment tasks
- Unit 1: Food origins (in other words, why
do we eat what we eat?)
- Social struggle, tall tales and stereotypes:
A closer look at food in colonial Australia
- Food, culture and community
- Supporting the nutritional wellbeing of
adolescents: Findings from the Youth2000 surveys
- Implementing the right to food in Australia
- Food systems infographics
In this issue:
- Home economics education in a time of schooling
- The intersection of knitting and coding
- Food and faith
- Impact of social factors on food choice
- Cultivating the critical food artisan: the emergence
of an undergraduate food studies program in Australia
In this issue:
- NGO contribution to global health: the experience of AOA
- Benefits of Healthy Eating and Nutrition Education in schools
- HEFL evaluation
In this issue:
- HELM – Home Economics Literacy Model –
A vision for the field
- Through the eyes of a satin bowerbird
- Healthy eating for adolescent mental health
- The new Healthy Eating Pyramid:
Reinforcing the foundation of healthy eating
- Camperdown College Food Technology Centre
- Be sustainable by upcycling natural fibres
In this issue:
- Grandparents who provide child care: Maintaining
health and life balance
- The importance of skills-based food education
and food literacy for today’s adolescents
- Guatemala: A moment in time
influencing a lifetime
- An invitation for schools in the
12 Healthy Together Communities
- Food Literacy in Action
In this issue:
- Redefining and repackaging Home Economics:
case of a Mediterranean island
- Connect, collaborate and create: unlocking the
potential through digital learning
- Taking a food-based approached to Aussie
diets: the National Health and Medical Research Council releases revised Australian Dietary Guidelines
- ‘It’s not a negative’: Challenging portrayals
of co-residence
- A tribute to Doris Embling
- Product quality: Deconstructing a
textile product
- Effectiveness and efficiency of planning
and production